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I want to publish my book with the help of SPANnet,but i dont have even one dollar can Spannet help me publish and sell if for me in large sales and in bulk then collect their fee and percentage afterwards?

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Elizabeth, what you just described is neither self-publishing nor subsidy publishing.  It is the traditional commercial publishing model.

Have you submitted your manuscript to any publishers?

Thanks for your reply,i have submitted my manuscript to lulu company and i have self published it,but i was thinking of  sending the script to a profitable and quality company to republish it and help me in sales,how do i get someone to help me publish my book and help me sell it without charging me a fee?

OK, two points.

1.  Lulu is 'kind of" self publishing, but not really, most of the time.  They own the ISBN unless you provide one, and whoever owns the ISBN is really the publisher.  Most people who publish with Lulu go the cheapest route possible, which is to let Lulu supply the ISBN.

2.  The only good way to get someone to publish your book without charging you a fee of any kind, is to go the usual, commercial-publishing route.  That means, usually, finding an agent and having the agent submit your book to a variety of publishers until one makes you an offer.  Some publishers will take books submitted without an agent, but the competition usually is fierce.

3.  IMPORTANT--I don't know of any commercial publisher who will take on your book and publish it, while you still have it in publication with Lulu, unless it really is something extraordinary.  (Of course, we all want to believe that about our books, don't we?)  As a rule, a publisher wants exclusivity with your book.

LOL!  I guess I should have said THREE points, there.  I thought of the third point later.


Tony is correct, Elizabeth. Self-publishing requires an investment to prepare the book for market.

and if i don't have that investment?

You either don't get your book published, or you submit it to a commercial publisher.

You know, you haven't even told us what sort of book it is, the subject matter, the genre, or anything else.  Those things might help us answer your question.

Its fiction,i have written a novel,title Wedding night, and i have  books there that need publishing.


I'm going to be really frank here, since everyone here is an adult, and we should be able to take constructive criticism.  If you don't like that, don't read any further.

In reading your posts, I see someone who really doesn't know how the publishing industry works, someone who has not taken the time to learn the basics.  That hampers you.  It will keep you from being as successful as you might be.  

I also see someone who doesn't have a good grasp of English usage, punctuation, and grammar.  If your posts reflect the way your books are written, I doubt you will ever find anyone reputable who will publish your books.  

You may go to PublishAmerica and get them published, but that company is a rip-off of the highest order.  Although you might publish your books through Lulu or Amazon's CreateSpace, remember this: they have no standards.  Everyone in the business knows that they will publish almost anything that you can put into their system.  That is not to say that there are not some good books published through those avenues, because there are.  But those companies, along with PublishAmerica, rely upon numbers more than upon quality.  Think about it: you have maybe one or two books.  If you sell five copies a year and make $5 per book, that's $25 to $50 per year.  But Lulu has THOUSANDS of titles they are selling.  If your book is on Lulu and it sells five copies per year, they probably have ten thousand other books that also sell only five copies per year.  If they make only $2.50 per copy that sells, that's still $25,000 in profit.  It's all a numbers game for them.

In short, learn how the system works, or at least learn more than you seem to know now.  Polish up your English usage and grammar.  No one who reads your posts here would ever be interested in publishing your book, since your posts seem to be signs of a person who doesn't know basic English.  And if you don't want to pay to have your book published, submit it to commercial publishers.

Frank, blunt, and to the point.

Hi Elizabeth,

If you are looking for a self-publisher you can also try DLite Press. We are a small but we offer editing analysis with our packages. This is great help to new authors. We are also competitive and give authors a better pricing than Lulu. We send you 100 copies of your book even with our lowest priced package. Authors can mix and match with our a la carte service.  This way you pick the service that you want. We will put your book online but you will however have to do the marketing

DLite Press



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