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The Southern New Jersey  and Greater Philadelphia Chapter of the

  Association of Publishers

for Special Sales



President: Susan Ye Laird (

S. Ye Laird: With over a decade of serving people in the Garden State, Susan started a new career on the side, as owner of Laird Unlimited Editorial Services LLP since 2015. She also works as associate editor on translation for online poetry magazine “Better Than Starbucks”.

I am excited at joining this network of fellow writers/editors/publishers. And I look forward to serve our members in South Jersey/Greater Philadelphia area to the best of my ability.

Contact: voice-mail (609) 807-8321 Email:

Vice President: Hope Brooks (

Hope Brooks was raised in Brooklyn, New York, and earned both her Bachelor of Science and Master’s degrees in Elementary Education. Upon graduation, she dedicated thirty-eight years of her professional life to teaching children of all levels of ability, including gifted children and children with special needs, in both New York and New Jersey. Hope’s memoir, A Mother’s Survival: Finding Balance Through the Storms, is her candid account of struggle and success that she hopes will help others emerge from personal despair.

     After retirement, Hope sat at her computer one day, and began writing the story of her life’s journey, which had lived within her for years. From a childhood marked by sexual abuse, Hope became empowered to rise above the fallout of lost innocence, marriage to a man with mental illness, and the consequences of bitter divorce on both her children and stepchildren. While dealing with her personal life, she also faced unremitting crises as a classroom teacher in the City of New York.

     If you have been a victim of sexual abuse, are a single mother, are divorced or considering divorce with children, have a family member with mental illness or are a teacher, you should read Hope’s book. In her last chapter, she comes to understand the meaning of life and gives the message to the world that no matter what comes our way, we must never give up.

To join the Southern NJ/Greater Philadelphia Chapter of APSS go to:

In addition to signing up for the APSS newsletters, more "Good Stuff” for Philadelphia area authors will come your way via email, so please email your full name, phone and email address to me at so I can add you to my data base.

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