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"Book Selling Extravaganza" in Toronto, April 1 - 2

We are launching APSS-Canada with a two-day event that can take your sales to a higher level

April 1 – One-on-one consultations

Discover how you and sell more of your books – not just books like yours – to people who buy books in large, non-returnable quantities. These buyers are found in corporations, associations, schools and non-bookstore retailers such as discount stores, supermarkets, airports stores and gift shops.


You can personally engage with two “go-to,” book-marketing experts – Guy Achtzehn and Brian Jud. You will have the chance to ask specific questions and get creative, yet practical answers to help you become more profitable.

More information at


April 2 -- One-Day Book Selling University

Get eight hours of high-content book-selling information about selling in large, non-returnable quantities to non-bookstore buyers.

  • Find out how businesses, organizations, schools, associations use books as promotional items, fundraisers, giveaways.
  • What non-bookstore retailers (discount stores, warehouse clubs, gift shops, supermarkets) can sell your books and how you can contact them
  • Discover how corporations, associations, schools and more can buy tens of thousands of your books at one time. -- with no returns


 See the complete event program at

“Every independent publisher who is working to increase their sales must attend this conference.” Erika Liodice

See more testimonials from previous attendees as APSS Universities at


You will leave knowing …

  • Why and how companies, associations, schools and other buyers could use your books as promotional tools.
  • A custom list of companies to approach as well as creative ideas for selling your specific titles to them
  • How to keep the pipeline filled over time with more buyers for your specific book
  • Innovative ways to present your recommendation to buyers and make large quantity, non-returnable sales
  • Proven tips for negotiating profitable sales with specific hints that work for people who don't like selling


If you are in the US you can save $100 or more with the current exchange rate -- even more with the early-bird discount


Questions? Please contact me at  or Monica Palmer, President of APSS-Canada  at
















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