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Support These Suppliers

  1. There are no shortcuts on the road to success – it takes time
  2. “Success doesn’t come from doing a lot in one day; it comes from doing a little more every day,” says Priya Rawat
  3. Successful selling is the transfer of enthusiasm. Be in the passion industry, enthusiastic about how your content can help buyers.
  4. The purpose of marketing is to be on the mind of your prospect when your prospect is ready to buy.
  5. Do not think about how much you get from selling your book, but how much you give the buyers and readers.
  6. Keep trying for that first sale. It only takes one to get the ball rolling. When someone else believes in you, you believe more in yourself, too.
  7. Not all motion is forward. You may be on the right path but heading in the wrong direction. Evaluate your progress periodically and make necessary course corrections.
  8. Don’t publish to make a quick profit. Profitable book marketing requires a long-term perspective, patience and persistence
  9. No more boomerang books. Eliminate returns with non-returnable sales to non-retail buyers in corporations, associations, schools and government agencies.
  10. Create an irresistible promotional message – irresistible to the recipient

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