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Here are ten tips that may help you sell more books profitably.

  1. Sales in some quantities require little or no discounting or distribution fees. You could actually have a lower selling price and make more money with sales to corporate buyers.
  2. There today, here tomorrow. Stop the revolving door of book returns with non-returnable sales to non-retail buyers in corporations, associations, schools and government agencies.
  3. In sales, as in medicine, prescription before diagnosis is malpractice. Before you recommend a solution to your prospects, make sure you understand the problem to be solved.
  4. Sell more books when you enter the conversation that’s already going on in your prospects’ minds. See the situation from their perspectives
  5. Get something started. Corporate buyers won’t come to you – so go to them. Give them an idea, a reason to buy. Motion first, then momentum.
  6. A sales presentation is not about what you want to say, it is about what the prospect needs to hear from you in order to make a favorable decision.
  7. We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust our sails (and our sales)
  8. Know why you are publishing your book. When the why is big enough the how will appear. 
  9. If you think outside the box, don’t end up thinking inside another box. Release your creativity with no boundaries.
  10. It costs more to win new customers than to keep existing ones. Don’t let inattention or lack of follow up drive your customers away.

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